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Telebrand has been serving its clients since January 2007 and we have been fruitful in expanding the estimation of our organization through furnishing our clients with fantastic PC equipment adornments, TV LCD/LED, Smartphones and other Home Appliances and so on., just as serving them with solid, quick and reasonable systems administration administrations and PC investigating administrations. online shopping in pakistan
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Fundamentally, we sort ourselves as Home Appliances, Computers, Laptops retailers yet our different administrations like investigating, framework consultancy as per necessities, after deals administration like guarantee claims and so forth and systems administration arrangements have caused us to recognize our market position from those of other PC shops and sellers in Karachi. We mainly have confidence in fulfilling our clients' processing needs; so be it equipment, investigating, consultancy or systems administration arrangements we are constantly dedicated full time to comprehending any and each issue of our clients with respect to PCs and figuring applications.

Mr. Sheik Asad Ali who is the glad originator and proprietor of Telebrand is an eACCP Certified proficient from Aptech Computer Education. With over 10+ long stretches of experience working in various rumored associations as system overseer and obtainment officer, he is furnished with equipment and systems learning, which he has improved to a more prominent dimension amid this fruitful voyage of Telebrand . A considerable lot of our clients have spared extraordinary measure of time and money related assets through his consultancy of appropriate frameworks according to prerequisites.

Our legitimate Customers, who are all around enchanted with the nature of the items conveyed just as our after deals administrations. With regards to our corporate clients, we use every one of our endeavors to give solid and quick support of the organizations since we realize that time is cash for our corporate customers.

Our effective nearness in Karachi's profoundly focused market is a legitimate proof of Telebrand quality PC items and adornments and our experience and expert skill in the field of Information Technology. We anticipate building solid expert associations with associations while keeping up and expanding our customers' an incentive by demonstrating ourselves to be the best PC equipment retailers and figuring administrations suppliers in the Pakistani market.


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